Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Will King James lead us to the Promised Land?

Cleveland looks to be on the verge of falling short of completing their quest of winning an NBA Title. With the Boston Celtics ahead 3-2 in a Game 7 series and Game 6 being played in Boston, all signs seem to point to James coming to New York. James is from Ohio and would want nothing more than to bring a title to Cleveland however, his window of that happening is closing rapidly. The addition of Shaquille O'neal and Antawn Jamison were the pieces that should have completed a cast that would land them in the NBA Finals and land them a title. However, it looks as if James might need to consider where he'll call home in the upcoming NBA season. Will it be New York, Chicago, Miami or Cleveland? New York Knicks fans hope it will be Madison Square Garden, "The World's most famous arena."

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